New PO screen field definitions



From PO’s > New PO



Field Name Explanations 

** Indicates Required Fields


** PO Date:   (required)

  • Automatically defaults to the current system date. 
  • If different from the current system date, enter the date in a MM/DD/YYYY format. 
  • SchoolFunds Online will verify the date to be sure that it falls within the current fiscal year. 


** PO Number:   (required)

  • Type the word PRINT when entering a PO that will print on a PO form. 
  • When printing PO's, the PO number is assigned as the PO's print.
  • If you are creating a manual PO (one that will not be printed), type in the PO number. 


Requested By:

  • Enter the name of the person who requested the purchase order.  This name will print on the PO. 


Special Notes:

  • Any additional description and/or information that will be printed at the bottom of a particular purchase order.   


** Vendor Name:   (required)

  • Saved Vendor:  If the vendor has already been saved in the vendor file, type in the first few letters of the vendor’s name and a list of possible matches will display below the vendor name field. 
    • District wide vendors are noted by an (*) asterisk to distinguish them from the school level vendors. 
    • To select the vendor, click with the mouse or use the down arrow key.  Tab to select the vendor highlighted. 
    • Click Tab again and the vendor’s address information will quick fill (if an address was set up for this vendor). 


  • New Vendor:  When using a new vendor (that is not in the vendor file), type the vendor name and click Tab. 
    • The message “< Vendor Name > does not exist in your vendor list.   Would you like to add this vendor?  You will not be able to save a PO with a One Time Vendor if you click Cancel” will be displayed.  
    • Clicking on the OK button will place a check mark in the Quick Vendor Add box on the screen.   This vendor, along with any address information entered on the check screen, will appear on the check and be added to the vendor file when the check is saved. 
    • If you click on Cancel, you will not be able to save the PO. 


  • Full Vendor Setup:
    • To add a vendor with address, 1099 information, phone number, etc., click this button to navigate directly to the vendor file screen. 
    • Click on the “Save/Return to PO” button to return to the PO screen with the newly added vendor inserted. 


  • Favorite Vendor
    • If a vendor has already been saved in the vendor file, you have the option of making that vendor a Favorite. 
    • Type in the first few letters of the vendor’s name and a list of possible matches will display. 
    • Select the vendor and click Tab. 
    • A checkbox will display allowing you to add this vendor as a Favorite Vendor. 
    • Display Favorites:  When creating a PO, type an exclamation ( ! ) symbol to display all vendor favorites;   arrow to the favorite vendor and select. 
    • If you no longer want to make a vendor a favorite, type in an exclamation ( ! ) symbol and when the vendor displays, remove the check mark from Favorite Vendor. 



PO Sub Total:

  • This is a “display only” field that displays the sum of all the PO detail line amounts. 


Discount (% or Amount):

  • If applicable, enter the discount percentage or amount.  
  • The Discount Amount will prorate and distribute between the accounts used on the purchase order. 


Shipping and Handling:

  • If applicable, enter the amount of shipping and handling charges.  
  • The Shipping and Handling Amount will prorate and distribute between the accounts used on the purchase order. 
  • Alternatively, the shipping and handling can be entered as a detail line in the body of the PO. 


Sales Tax

  • Enter (verify) the sales tax percentage.  
  • The total amount of sales tax calculated will prorate and distribute between the account used on the purchase order. 


PO Total Amount

  • This is a “display only” field that references the total amount of the PO. 


** Description:   (required)

  • Fill in a PO description or reference.  The description will print on the PO. 


Product #: 

  • If applicable, enter the item’s product number.  This product number will print next to the product description on the printed PO.   


** Quantity (required)

  • Enter the number of items.   
  • The system will automatically multiply the Quantity by the Unit Price to determine the total amount charged to the account. 


** Unit Price:  (required)

  • Enter the Unit Price of items.  
  • The system will automatically multiply the Quantity by the Unit Price to determine the total amount charged to the account. 



  • If sales tax should be calculated on this line item, click in the box so that a check mark will display.   
  • Leave the box blank, if you do not want sales tax to be calculated on this item.  


** Account Number:   (required)

  • Type in the first digits or letters of the account that you are posting the PO to.  
  • A list of possible matches will display below the account field. 
  • Click with the mouse or use the down arrow key and Tab to select the account highlighted. 
  • Clicking on the Account Balances button will display a list of all available account with current balances for reference. 



  • The current balance of the account selected will display. 
  • This balance is for reference only and will not change until the PO is printed and/or posted. 



  • The amount will automatically calculate by multiplying the Unit Price by the Quantity field.