How do you print a Purchase Order?  


After the Purchase Orders have been entered and are displayed in the Unposted Purchase Order Register 

on the PO’s > New PO screen, they are ready to print and post to the accounts.  



From PO’s  > Print PO’s                OR click on the button from the PO’s > New PO screen. 



The PO printing process can be thought of as the 3P’s – 1) Preview; 2) Print; 3) Post 




  1. Verify the Starting PO Number to be printed. 
    • If the first PO number to print is incorrect, it may be changed by clicking in the Starting PO Number box, typing the correct number, and tabbing out of the box. 
    • The PO number will automatically increment as PO’s are printed and posted. 
  2. Select the PO(s) to be printed by clicking to place a check mark in the Print box. 
  3. The total $ amount of PO’s and the number of PO’s to be printed will display.
  4. 1st P) -  Preview  - Click the Preview PO button. 
    • A print preview of the PO(s) appears along with a message to continue to Step 2. 
    • You may use the <  or  > arrows on the preview toolbar to view each PO preview, if there are multiple PO’s to print in the batch
    • If you find an error and do not want the PO’s to print, return to the PO’s, New PO screen to edit the PO(s).  After saving the changes, return to PO’s > Print PO’s and start the printing process again.  
  5. 2nd P) -  Print -   Once you are satisfied with the preview and are ready to print, click the printer icon (at the top of the preview screen)
  6. 3rd P) -  Post – Once the PO’s have printed and you have the PO’s in your hand, click the Post button.  
  7. A confirmation message will display.  
  8. Click “Yes”, if the PO’s printed correctly or “No” if they didn’t print correctly.