We have created a no cost or zero cost item. Parents have selected the item and added to cart "claimed" it.
What is the process to determine who has not selected the item, as the outstanding or owing won't be applicable to a no cost item?
STEP 1: The number of items selected and added to cart will display on the SchoolCash Catalog > List of Items window. Select the item and review the item information on the right-side of window. You want to know if any have been "purchased". The information will display beside Purchased By:
If there is a difference between the number of students attached and those who have purchased, moved to step 2.
STEP 2: Navigate to the SchoolCash Catalog Reports and choose the Item Attachment Report. Why is this report suggested? This is the only report that provides information when "Outstanding" is selected.
As previously noted, for an item with is No Cost there is no amount owing or outstanding, we do want to view this selection.
BEST PRACTICE: Select ALL from the Item Attachment Report Show pick list, when running reports to access a full payment breakdown. The reason for the ALL selection is to minimize the number of reports to be created and run.
STEP 3: Exporting the report to a CSV format provides the opportunity for the end user to add filters. A filter of the column header with required filter information can be selected.
Sort the report by the "Paid" column. the individuals who have "Paid" (selected and added to cart for a zero $ purchase) will display under the "Paid" column as CLAIMED.
The individuals who have not paid or claimed the item will display as "$0.00" in the Paid column. As well, those who have claimed the No Cost item will have a date of payment noted in the Payments column.
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