2018.12.19 to 2019.01.16

SchoolCash Catalog:

  • Fixed an issue where an item name containing special characters caused errors when exporting the custom form report.
  • Improved performance when exporting the batch report.

SchoolCash Online:

  • Added functionality where clicking on the payment method logo should select the appropriate method of payment.
  • Increased the number of characters visible in the Fund Destination drop down on the Donation screen.
  • Fixed an issue where the logo was not appearing in the PDF version of the Donation receipt
  • Added new feature where Donation Fund Destination now is being auto-selected when the user navigates to a specific URL.
  • Prevent browsers from storing credit card information in autocomplete history.
  • Fixed an issue where the donation receipt was showing the cart total amount and the donation amount when including multiple items in the same checkout.
  • Fixed an issue where if a user's balance in MyWallet was negative (after a rejected payment), the Available to Refund would show a negative balance instead of $0.00.