Steps for Printer Receipts: 

1.  Select Receipts Menu.

2.  Choose “New Receipt”.

3.  “PRINT” should default as the receipt number.  Enter receipt information.

4.  Click the “Save” button to save each receipt.

5.  Click the PRINT icon or Select Receipts Menu and choose “Print Receipts”.

6.  Verify First Receipt # to Print (if incorrect, enter the correct receipt # and tab).

7.  Select Receipts to be printed.

8.  Load receipt forms into printer.

9.  Remember the 3P’s – Click “Preview Receipts” – 1st P.

10. Receipts will display as a preview, click on the Printer Icon when ready to print – 2nd P.

11. Click “Post Receipts” if all receipts printed correctly – 3rd P.

12. When the confirmation message displays, click “Yes” if receipts printed correctly or “No” if they did not.

This completes posting and printing Receipts. 


Steps for Manual Receipts:

1.  Select Receipts Menu.

2. Choose “New Receipt”.

3. Enter the receipt date and the receipt number (if necessary).  Enter receipt information.

4. Click the “Save” button to save each receipt.



Steps to Post All Receipts/Deposits:

1.  Select Receipts Menu.

2.  Choose “Post Deposits”.

3.  Select the receipts you want to post in the deposit.

4.  Click “Post Deposit”.

5.  Deposit Analysis Report will display as a preview, click on the Printer Icon when ready to print.  Always Print!

This completes posting the deposit.