How do you use the Memo Notebook on the SFO Homescreen?


The SchoolFunds Online Homescreen includes a Memo Notebook that can be used by the District Administrator and School Users to post messages or reminders.  



Whenever you login to SFO or return to the Main Menu, the notebook will be visible. 


The “District Notes” are from the district administrator and are visible to all SchoolFunds Online users.  Only a district administrator can edit this section. 


The “Admin Message” is also from the district administrator, but is only visible to the SchoolFunds Online users at the individual school where the message was entered by the district admin. 


The “School Notes” section is for the School Users to enter messages or reminders for their use.   The information in this section can be seen only by the individual school user and the district administrator.   


Simply type your notes on the notebook and click anywhere outside the notebook to save. You may update or remove these messages at any time.