Auto-Populating Form Elements in SchoolCash Online

Auto-Populating Form Elements is the latest enhancement in SchoolCash Forms+. This is achieved using the newly created Smart Elements feature within the Forms module in your SchoolCash account.

This functionality is beneficial when building forms, as Smart Elements auto-populate in SchoolCash Online using existing data. This allows parents and guardians to complete forms more quickly, increasing the likelihood of forms being returned and reducing errors. These submissions are also reflected in the Forms Report.

This article explains how to add Smart Elements to a form, using the example of a Spring Dance Fundraiser Form.

Note: Smart Elements are available only if the feature add-on is enabled. Contact your Customer Success Manager for more information.

Adding Smart Elements to Your Forms

To add Smart Elements to a form, click on the Smart Elements button when creating a new form or editing an existing form within the Forms module.

Smart Elements include the following four options, each identified by unique icons and a light gray background. Unlike Base Elements, Smart Elements auto-populate in SchoolCash Online:

Student Smart Elements

  • Name/ID - Auto-populates the attached student’s name in SchoolCash Online.
  • Grade - Auto-populates the attached student’s grade in SchoolCash Online.
  • Date of Birth - Auto-populates the attached student’s date of birth in SchoolCash Online.

Item Smart Elements

  • Description - Auto-populates the item’s description within the form in SchoolCash Online and the Forms Report PDF file. If the item’s description is empty, this element will not display in the form and will be blank in the Forms Report.

When a Smart Element is added to a form, it is identified by a blue box icon on the right side of the element and within the Properties tab of the selected element on the left side.

Note: Based on feedback, more Smart Elements containing student, item, and purchaser information may be added in the future.

Example: Spring Dance Fundraiser Form

In the example below, a form is created for a Spring Dance Fundraiser. The form includes the following elements, which are a combination of Base and Smart Elements:

  • Item Description (Element Type: Item Description Smart Element)
  • Teacher First and Last Name (Element Type: Name Base Element)
  • Student First and Last Name (Element Type: Student Name/ID Smart Element)
  • Student Grade (Element Type: Student Grade Smart Element)
  • Student Date of Birth (Element Type: Student Date of Birth Smart Element)
  • Amount (Element Type: Number Base Element with Price enabled)
  • Signature (Element Type: Signature Base Element)

To preview the form, click the black Preview button above the left pane.

When the form is ready, click the blue Publish button in the top right to make it available for embedding within an item in the SchoolCash Catalog or District Catalog.

When the purchaser views the item in SchoolCash Online, the embedded form will display with the Smart Elements auto-populated.

Feature Restrictions

  • The Smart Elements feature is only available if it has been enabled for your district.
  • You need the necessary permissions to create forms for your district.

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