
This article provides instructions for correctly processing refunds in the Student Cash Register (SCR). It covers various scenarios, including handling cash and check payments, resolving errors, and managing over/under issues during closeout.

Scenario 1: Student Marked as Paid in SCR by Mistake

Locate the Student

  1. Locate the student in the cash register.

  2. Review the Item History to confirm the item was marked as paid in error. Click the link in the item history to view payment details (cash or check). 

Process the Refund

  1. If the payment was recorded as Cash
    • Go to the Refund tab and refund the item by selecting the cash tender.

  2. If the payment was recorded as Check:

    • Go to the Modification tab, change the tender from check to cash, then proceed to the Refund tab and refund the item by selecting the cash tender.

  3. Click on add additional item and re-enter the item for the student.

Important Note

If you don't modify the tender to cash on a check refund, there won’t be an over/under issue, but the deposit amount won’t post correctly into SFO and requires correction.

Scenario 2: Refund for Cash Payment

Locate the Student

  1. Locate the student in the cash register.

  2. Review the Item History to verify the item was paid with cash.

Process the Refund

  • Go to the Refund tab and refund the item by selecting the cash tender.

Scenario 3: Refund for Check Payment

Locate the Student

  1. Locate the student in the cash register.

  2. Review the Item History to verify the item was paid with a check.

Process the Refund

  • Go to the Modification tab, change the tender from check to cash, then proceed to the Refund tab and refund the item by selecting the cash tender.

Scenario 4: Cash Payment Receipted and Taken to Bank but Not Recorded in SCR

Locate the Student

  • Locate the student in the cash register and find the item in the Checkout screen. 

Process the Refund

  1. Click on the item and set the Payment Action to Paid in full.

  2. Checkout by selecting the CREDIT CARD tender. Note: This does not process a credit card payment; it only records a payment in SCR for report completion.

  3. Select Other as the Card type.

  4. Enter the SFO receipt in the Authorization Code field, or enter “receipted in SFO.”

  5. Select No receipt and No statement for print options, then confirm the action.

Scenario 5: Parent Paid Online, Bookkeeper Issued a Cash Refund in SCR

Important Note

Note: If the closeout results in an overpayment, it can only be corrected once the receipt is processed in SFO. Since a credit card refund cannot be issued in this case, the bookkeeper should write a check to the parent.

Scenario 6: Wrong Student Marked as Paid in a Group Collection

Locate the Student

  • If a wrong student was marked as paid in a group collection, locate the student in the cash register. 

Process the Refund

  • Refund the payment by check and complete the closeout.

Note: This resolves the SFO receipt overage.

Scenario 7: Refund Needed After Closeout

Pre-Refund Check

  • Ensure any collections for the day have closed out.

Process the Refund

  1. Search for the student in the cash register and refund by check.

  2. Complete the closeout. Note: This does not generate a receipt in SFO. Print the closeout for your records.

Scenario 8: Bookkeeper Entered Cash Payment Instead of Waiving the Fee

Process the Refund

  1. Refund the payment as cash.

  2. Re-enter the item and select Waived fee as the payment type.

SCO Refunds

  1. Always refund a credit card payment via the catalog.

  2. If the credit card is no longer valid: 
    1. Write a check for the refund. Go to the cash register, search for the student, and refund by check.

    2. Include a note in the Comment section to prevent accidental processing of a credit card refund.

  3. If you did a check refund:

    1. This does not create an over/under issue, but it affects the receipt amount when processed in SFO.

    2. To correct this, reduce the amount in the account the check was posted to.

Handling Over/Under Issues During Closeout

  • If you encounter an over/under issue during closeout, STOP and submit a ticket to

  • If the closeout completes with an over/under issue: 
    1. The receipt enters SFO, and the correction needs to be made on the SFO side.

    2. In SFO, click the link for the school store receipt under review.

    3. Notice the Over/Under line item.

    4. Print the receipt and post the deposit as usual.

To correct the receipt:

  • If OVER
    • Do a receipt to the wrong account (JE). Pull up the receipt, selecting the Over/Under account as the wrong account.

    • Select the correct account to which the item was overstated. Enter “correcting closeout” in the reference, preview, post, and generate.

    • Do a receipt for the wrong amount for the same receipt, select the overstated account, and reduce the item amount. Use the same reference, preview, post, and generate.

  • If UNDER
    • Follow the same process, but select the overstated account and move the amount to the Over/Under account to zero it out. 

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