July 2023

Important: It is strongly recommended that you verify with your districts as to the district-specific procedures and policies required for your district.

The purpose of this article is to provide new and experienced SchoolCash users with various Knowledge Base links. 

The Knowledge Base articles provide information on various "new to user" articles and "process reminder" articles.

SchoolFunds Online (SFO)

Section > Article

Data Files > If you are looking to create a new data file, there are numerous articles available to you

Checks > Checks: Fast Flow!

Receipts (Deposits)> Receipts: Fast Flow! & How to Post a Deposit

Journal Entries > Transfer articles from one or multiple accounts

Purchase Orders > PO: FAST FLOW! & How to Create a New Purchase Order (to be printed)

Registers > provides several step-by-step articles for each section

Reports - School Level > you'll find folders providing information on the creation of reports for: receiptee, purchase orders, event codes, account and vendor reports

Bank Recon > Bank Reconciliation Process, as well as articles for each of the seven additional steps

For additional New to Role & Experienced User Knowledge Base Articles review these links.

SchoolCash Catalog

View the SchoolCash Catalog Links for New to Role & Experienced Users

SchoolCash Register (SCR)

View the SchoolCash Register Links for New to Role & Experienced Users


These are many articles available to you. In the future, if you have any questions, type in a word and the program will provide articles with the word included. When you select "Search" then you'll be able to view all the articles with the word mentioned.