This article explains when email notifications (initial and reminders) are sent for new fees in SchoolCash Online, how they are scheduled, and what happens if an item’s start date changes or attachments are added later.
When Are Email Notifications Sent?
Email notifications for new fees and reminder emails are sent once a day at some point after 12:01 am. The exact time depends on the overall number of notifications being dispatched by the system.
Email Notifications from New Item Creation
First Notification Set for Today
If a new item is created with its email notification start date set to the same day as the item creation date, the first notification is actually sent the following day, after 12:01 am. For example, creating an item today with an email notification start date of today means notifications go out tomorrow morning.
First Notification Set for Tomorrow or After
Email notifications for items created with a future start date are sent on that future date, after 12:01 am.
Note: If an item is created with a future start date but is not attached to students until the start date itself, notifications will not go out until the following day. This is because the attachment (necessary to trigger emails) occurred on the start date, not beforehand.
Please note, emails are not instantly sent when you save and attach an item to students.
Reminder Email Notifications
Reminder emails (to those who have not paid) are sent on the reminder date you set when configuring the fee. As with the initial notifications, reminders are sent after 12:01 am.
Note: The Email Reminder feature does not work in conjunction with the Scheduled Payment feature, which has its own email functionality.
Email Notifications on Fee Due Dates
Emails are not sent on End Dates or on Due Dates.
Related Article: Parent Opted Out of Receiving Email Notifications – can that be changed?