How do you liquidate a Purchase Order without creating a check? 


Purchase Orders are most often liquidated via the check entry screen. 

A Purchase Order that has been partially liquidated or a Purchase Order that has been paid, but was not referenced on the check can be liquidated through the Liquidate PO screen. 



From   PO’s  > Liquidate PO


  1. Select the Purchase Order by clicking in the “Liquid” column. 
    •  Only 1 PO can be liquidated at a time.
  2. The Amount to Liquidate will display in the upper right-hand corner. 
  3. Optional - Enter the Liquidating Check #, if applicable.  
  4. Enter the Liquidation Date.  The default is the current date.  
  5. Click the Liquidate PO button. 

Note:  PO’s may be liquidated with a June 30th date after June has been reconciled but prior to year-end rollover.