Making Items Available for Purchase On SchoolCash POS Devices

Items are added individually to the devices via the SchoolCash Catalog. They must be fixed-price items but are not required to be attached to students and do not need to be Public or Unlisted. Items with attached forms cannot be purchased through SchoolCash POS devices at this time.

Each device is configured to a particular school, and as a result, users can only see items from their school appear on the POS devices. If the school has more than one device, the items will be available for purchase on all the devices associated with the school.

There are two ways that you can collect in-person credit card payments from your community. You can either add the items to the device and use the device independently of any other system, or you can use the device together with SchoolCash Register, which is the only way to actually associate a student with the purchase at the moment.

To add an item:

  1. Open SchoolCash Catalog and select the item to be added to the POS device.
  2. Click Add to Point of Sale Device.
  3. Once an item has been added to the device, it will then be available for purchase. Click the View Items button inside the app on the device and select the item.

Removing Catalog Items

Items are automatically removed from the POS devices once they expire. Items can also be removed manually. To manually remove an item, in the SchoolCash Catalog, select the item, then click Remove from Point-of-Sale Device (POS).

Filtering To See Items Added to A POS Device


There are two ways in SchoolCash Catalog to view only the items on the POS devices:

  1. Select the POS button on the SchoolCash Catalog page.
  2. Choose Point-of-Sale in the List of Items dropdown.

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