What is the District setup process for SchoolFunds Online?  



The Administrator’s functions of SchoolFunds Online are designed to provide significant tools to central office personnel in managing and auditing the funds of the individual schools.  

There are several important files to be set up within the Admin area that control the system.  Also, important choices need to be made regarding the control and management of vendor creation, account structure, school demographic information, and user profiles.   


The District setup procedures are simple and straightforward, but must be completed in the proper order before any school users can begin to use the system.  Your SchoolFunds Online representative will assist you in the District setup process.  


Only the District Administrators have access to the Admin Menu that contains the global database settings.  When setting up for the first time, it is important to complete the setup within the Admin Menu in the following order: 

  1. District:  Enter District information, account number format, and select various system settings. 
  2. School Level:  Assign levels to group chart of accounts. 
  3. Account Print Groups:  An optional account grouping for reporting purposes. 
  4. District-wide Accounts:  Set up a standardized chart of accounts and assign them to school levels. 
  5. Schools:  Set up school demographic information for each school within the district. 
  6. Users:  Set up all users having access to the system and assign security levels.