How do you create a New Purchase Order? 


  • A Purchase Order is a document used for prior approval of an expenditure and to reserve the funds for the expenditure. 
  • A PO is an estimate approximating the final expenditure amount. 
  • When a PO is printed and posted, the PO amount is deducted from an account balance as an Encumbrance
  • The PO must be printed and posted before creating the check that pays the PO. 


From PO’s  > New PO


Use the Tab key or your mouse to move between fields on the New PO screen. 


  1. Enter the PO Date or leave it as the default current date. 
  2. Leave the PO Number as PRINT, if the purchase order will be printed.
  3. Enter the name of the person who Requested the PO. 
  4. Enter any Special Notes that should be printed on the PO. 
  5. Type in the Vendor name. 
    • For SAVED vendors – type in the first few letters of the name and a list of possible matches will display below the Vendor name field. 
      • Use the mouse to select the appropriate vendor and click Tab. 
      • The vendor’s address will quick fill (if an address was set up for this vendor). 
    • For NEW vendors – type the vendor name and click Tab. 
      • The message “<Vendor Name> does not exist in your vendor list.   Would you like to add this vendor?    You will not be able to save the PO if you click Cancel”  will be displayed. 
      • Clicking on the OK button will place a check mark in the Quick Vendor Add box on the screen.  This vendor, along with any address information entered on the PO screen, will appear on the PO and will be added to the vendor file when the PO is saved. 
      • If you click on Cancel, you will not be able to save the PO.  
  6. Enter the Discount % or Amount (optional). 
  7. Enter the Shipping and Handling amount (optional). 
  8. Enter (verify) the Sales Tax percentage (if applicable). 
  9. Enter the PO Description or reference. 
  10. Enter the Product # (optional). 
  11. Enter the Quantity of items. 
  12. Enter the Unit Price of the items. 
  13. Click the Taxable box, if sales tax should be calculated on this line item. 
  14. Select the Account number.  
    • Type in the first digits or letters of the account that you are posting the PO against. 
    • A list of possible matches will display below the Account field. 
    • Click with the mouse or use the down arrow key and Tab to select the account highlighted. 
  15. The Amount field will calculate from the Quantity and Unit Price information. 
  16. Click the Tab key to open another detail line. 
  17. After entering all PO detail lines, click the Save button to save the PO. 


A Purchase Order may have as many detail lines as needed.  


Once a PO is saved, it moves into the Unposted Purchase Order Register in the lower portion of the PO screen.  Any saved PO’s that are listed in the Unposted Purchase Order Register may be edited prior to printing the PO.  


When ready to print the PO, click the blue PRINT button or navigate to PO’s > Print PO’s


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Purchase Order Screen Field Definitions

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How to Print Purchase Orders

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