How do you cancel/void a check that was written before using SchoolFunds Online?


This entry is used to cancel/void an Old Outstanding Check that was written before converting to SchoolFunds Online.  This entry will add the check amount back to the school’s accounts and remove the check from the Outstanding Checks list.



From JE’s > Miscellaneous > Cancel Prior SFO Check

  1. Enter a Transaction Date.
    • The default is the current statement ending date, but this can be changed.
    • The transaction date cannot be outside of the fiscal year.
  2. Click the Prior Checks drop-down arrow.   Select the check to cancel from the drop-down.
  3. The Check Amount and Check Number will auto-fill.
  4. Select the Post to Account from the drop-down list. 
  5. The Offset Account will auto fill as the Cash account. 
  6. The Payee will auto-fill. 
  7. Enter a Reference (description) for the entry.  
  8. Enter any Additional Comments/description for this JE not entered in the reference field.   This information will only print on the proof sheet. 
  9. Click on the Preview button to display a proof sheet preview. 
  10. Verify – Is all the information correct on the JE proof sheet preview? 
    • If Yes – click the Post and Generate Final Proof button. 
    • If No – navigate to JE’s > Miscellaneous > Cancel Prior SFO Check again to clear the screen and start over. 


When the final Journal Entry Proof Sheet displays, the JE is posted and the JE # is assigned. 

Be sure to click on the printer icon to print the JE proof sheet for your records. 


The JE Proof Sheet can be reprinted from the Review JE’s screen.