
May 2022 - The new User Management will be deployed over the next few weeks.

SchoolFunds Online - User Management

Product Announcement - Improvements include a new login experience and enhanced user management tools to improve the way administrators manage their users across the SchoolCash platform by:

  • Simplifying our user roles and permissions
  • Revamping the entire user management experience

For a complete User Guide review the attachment at the end of this article.

New Login Experience

After receiving your update, you'll first notice our new login experience for SFO. Don’t worry – SFO is still the same application you are familiar with. We just gave our login page a clean, new look. 


Password Reset

Can’t remember your password? Click the “FORGOT PASSWORD?” link on your SchoolCash login page. When prompted, enter your current User ID (username) and follow instructions provided in the password reset email sent to the email address associated with your user account.


Need to Know:

  • After receiving the product update, existing users may log in with their current User ID (username) and password.
  • Users may reset their password at any time, provided the user account is active and has a valid email associated with it.



There are benefits to the simplified User Management interface and role standardization across the district. Managing users has never been easier with our refreshed User Admin portal. Existing users will not be impacted. The table below maps the current roles to the new role names.

After logging in to SFO, navigate to the existing 'Users' link under your ADMIN menu to access the portal.

View and Search Users

View a full list of your district’s users in the main user grid.  Search for a specific User ID or use the 'Advanced Search' option to filter the list by School, Role, or Status (active or inactive).


Add a New User

To add a new user, start by tapping the “ADD NEW USER” element in the upper-right portion of the main User's page:


Enter the user’s basic information, including user ID (email) and status.


After entering basic user info, tap the “ADD ROLE” element under the User Access section. Role and School selection fields will appear below the User Access heading:




Role and School selection fields will appear below the User Access heading:


Select from the list of available user roles. Note that users are restricted from having more than one role-assignment at a time. To remove a previously selected role, tap the “REMOVE THIS ROLE” element and confirm when prompted.


To make school selections, tap the pencil icon to the right of the “Schools” field.


Select one or more schools from the school list or select “All Schools” to grant access to all current schools as well as any newly added schools.  



View/Edit Users

To view or edit an existing user record, tap the “More” icon (three dots) in the main User's grid:

View/Edit Roles

To view or edit role information, select “Roles” from the main navigation menu:

View a complete list of roles configured for your District in the Role Definitions grid:

View a complete list of roles configured for your district in the Role Definitions grid:

To edit a role's 'Role Name' (which appears in the role-selection drop-down list), tap the pencil icon:

For questions about this module or our new login experience, please contact our support team at [email protected]