How do you print a check with more detail lines than will print on the check form stub? 



From   Checks > Print Checks 


A check can be created with as many detail lines as needed and can post to multiple accounts.  


The printed check stub will show 9 detail lines and the remaining detail lines will print on a Continuation Stub.  




On the Checks > New Check screen, create the check as usual and include all of the detail line items. 


Once all the detail lines are on the check, click the Save button. 


Click on the button from the Checks > New Check screen or navigate to  Checks > Print Check. 


The check printing process can be thought of as the 3P’s – 1) Preview; 2) Print; 3) Post 




  1. Verify the Starting Check Number to be printed. 

    1. If the first check number to print is incorrect, it may be changed by clicking in the Starting Check Number box, typing the correct number, and tabbing out of the box. 

    2. The check number will automatically increment as checks are printed and posted. 

  2. Select the check(s) to be printed by clicking to place a check mark in the Print box. 

  3. The total $ amount of checks and the number of checks to be printed will display.

  4. 1st P) -  Preview  - Click the Preview Checks button. 

    1. A print preview of the check(s) appears along with a message to continue to Step 2

    2. Notice that you only see 9 detail lines

    3. If you find an error and do not want the check to print, return to the Checks, New Check screen to edit the check(s).  After saving the changes, return to Checks > Print Checks and start the printing process again.  

  5. 2nd P) -  Print -   Once you are satisfied with the preview, have loaded your check forms in the printer,  and are ready to print, click the printer icon (at the top of the preview screen)

  6. 3rd P) -  Post – Once the checks have printed and you have the checks in your hand, click the Post button.  

  7. A message displays to confirm that the checks did print correctly.  

  8. Click “Yes”, if the checks printed correctly or “No” if they didn’t print correctly.  

  9. The continuation stub alert message displays: 

  10. Scroll down on the screen to view the check continuation stub.

  11. Make sure you have loaded plain paper in your printer (and removed any blank check forms).  

  12. Click the printer icon to print the continuation stub.   You can print more than 1 copy of the stub, if needed. 

  13. Once the continuation stub has printed, click Done.