
This guide outlines the process for setting up and using Purchasing Cards (P-Cards) in SchoolFunds Online. P-Cards enable districts to issue checks for credit card purchases while capturing individual histories for each vendor paid using the card. You can track these transactions with Purchase Orders posted for each vendor.


Purchasing Card Setup and Usage in SchoolFunds Online

Purchasing Cards (P-Cards) allow districts to streamline purchases made with credit cards by enabling checks to be written for each vendor paid with the card. The system tracks individual histories for each vendor and allows Purchase Orders (POs) to be posted with the vendor name where the actual expense takes place.

If your district wants to enable this feature, please submit a ticket to the SFO help desk at

Setup the Purchasing Card Vendor

The Purchasing Card vendor (i.e., the bank that holds the credit card) must be set up through Datafiles Vendor before creating the first Purchasing Card check.

To set up the vendor:

  1. Go to Datafiles Vendor and enter the vendor information.
  2. Click the box labeled P-Card Vendor?
  3. Click Save to save the vendor information.

Note: Your district office may already have this vendor set up as a district-wide P-Card vendor.

Entering Checks for Purchasing Cards (P-Cards)

To enter a check for a Purchasing Card:

  1. Click Checks > Purchasing Card to display a blank check entry screen.
  2. Select the P-Card vendor in the Vendor field (only the banks holding the credit card are available).
  3. Click in the Purchase Order field on the detail line and type the PO number.
  4. Select the PO number and press the Tab key. The PO details (vendor, description, account number, and liquidated amount) auto-fill.
  5. If you are partially paying the PO, adjust the PO Liq Amt as needed.
  6. Enter the Invoice number if applicable.
  7. Enter the Amount to be charged to the account.
  8. Repeat steps 2-5 for additional POs.
  9. Save the check, then print and post it as you would with any other check.

Including a Purchasing Card Payment without a PO

If no Purchase Order has been posted or encumbered in SchoolFunds Online:

  1. In the P-Card Vendor field, start typing the name of the vendor where the expense took place.
  2. Select the vendor from the list (from your vendor data file).
  3. Enter a Description.
  4. If applicable, type the PO number as a reference (this number prints on the check stub).
  5. Enter the Invoice number if applicable.
  6. Select the Account to be charged.
  7. Enter the Amount to be charged to the account.
  8. Repeat steps 1-6 for additional transactions.

NOTE: A P-Card check may reference multiple PO’s on the same check, but the same PO cannot be selected more than once to pull into a check.   

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