SchoolFunds Online is designed to print receipts on TRA pre-printed laser forms.  To enter and print receipts, follow these steps:

Click on Receipts, New to display a blank receipt entry screen:


Field Name:   Explanation

*Indicates Required Fields

*Receipt Date:  Automatically defaults to the current system date.  If different from the current system date, enter the date in a MM/DD/YYYY format. SchoolFunds Online will check the date to be sure that it falls within the current fiscal year.

*Receipt Number:  Type the word PRINT when entering a receipt that will print on a receipt form or blank paper.  When printing receipts, the receipt number is assigned as the receipts print.  We recommend reviewing the beginning receipt number entered on the Admin, My Profile screen.

To enter a “manual” receipt, meaning that the receipt has already been written out of a manual receipt book, type in the actual receipt number rather than the word “Print”.  Complete the receipt screen and save.  Once the receipt is saved, choose Receipts, Post Deposit to post the manual receipt.

*Receiptee:  Type in the receiptee’s name.  If the receiptee has already been saved in the receiptee file, type in the first few letters of the receiptee’s name and a list of possible matches will display below the receiptee name field.  To select the receiptee, click with the mouse or use the down arrow key and Tab to select the receiptee highlighted.  Click Tab and the receiptee’s address will also quick fill (if an address was setup for this receiptee).

New Receiptee:   When using a new receiptee (that is not in the receiptee file), type the receiptee name and tab.  The message “<Receiptee name> does not exist in your receiptee list.  Would you like to add this receiptee?  The receiptee will be a One Time Receiptee if you click Cancel.” will be displayed.  Clicking on the OK button will place a ain the Add New Receiptee box on the screen.  This receiptee, along with any address information entered on the receipt screen, will appear on the receipt and will be added to the receiptee file when the receipt is saved. 

If you click on Cancel, the receiptee will be considered a “One Time Receiptee”.   The One Time Receiptee option should be limited to cases where the Receiptee will only be issued one receipt and will not be used again.  Note:  Entering a receiptee this way does not give any audit record of this receiptee’s activity, nor does it save this receiptee in the receiptee file.  

Cash/Checking Balance:  This is a “display only” field that references the current balance in the Cash/Checking account.

Detailed $ Counter:  An optional tool to help with counting and verifying currency and check totals.  Checks may be listed separately or grouped by amount.   Click Save/Close and the totals will fill automatically.  This information will be available on the Review Receipt screen after the deposit is posted.

Amount of Receipt:   This is a “display only” field that references the total receipt amount.

Cash:  Enter how much of this receipt is cash (optional).  If a cash amount is entered, the system will verify the sum of the cash and check amount equals the total receipt amount.  The cash amount will print on the receipt and Deposit Analysis when the deposit is posted.

Check:  Enter how much of the receipt is from checks (optional). If a check amount is entered, the system will verify the sum of the check and cash amount equals the total receipt amount.  The check amount will print on the receipt and Deposit Analysis when the deposit is posted.

*Description:  Fill in a receipt description or reference.  The description will print on the receipt.

Beginning & Ending Receipt Number:  Use these fields to enter the corresponding receipt numbers from the teacher’s receipt book (optional).

Taxable (if district is set up to record sales tax on receipts):  Click the box in this field for each line that is taxable.

Event Code (if activated on the Admin, My Profile screen):  To associate a revenue with a previously entered Event Code, click on the ò and choose an Event Code from the drop down list.

*Account Number:  Type in the first digits or letters of the account you are receipting.  A list of possible matches will display below the account field.  Click with the mouse or use the down arrow key and Tab to select the account highlighted.   Clicking on the Account Balances button will display a list of all available accounts with current balances for reference.

Balance:  The available balance of the account selected will display.

*Amount:  Enter the amount to be posted to the selected account.

Enter as many detail lines as needed.  The TAB key will open another line.  Keep in mind that six detail lines will print on the receipt stub.  A continuation stub will print for receipts with more than six detail lines.  The total of all the detail lines will display as the amount of receipt.  After completing the receipt screen, click the Save button to save the receipt.   Once the receipt is saved, it moves into the Unposted Receipt Register box in the lower portion of the receipt window.