PO Approval

 Purchasing User Instructions

A Purchasing user can be assigned a username and password in SFO which would allow access for approving Purchase Orders for the school(s) they are assigned.  The username and password is assigned by the District Admin. The Purchasing user has a Profile screen where an electronic signature can be added.  


Purchasing user logs into the SFO login screen by clicking on the URL they are provided. Once you get to the login screen, you may want to bookmark that URL for future use.

Electronic Signature 

Select User, My Profile menu item on the main menu.

An electronic signature can be created using the mouse to “sign” in the Electronic Signature box, then click the Save button.  The Clear button will clear out the Signature box, but will not delete a previously saved signature.  



PO Approval Process

Purchasing users have approval privileges and viewing privileges for PO’s only. 


To approve PO’s, select PO’s  > Approve School PO’s from the main menu





PO’s requiring approval are listed in the grid below in ascending order by PO Date and when they were created.  



To quickly approve PO(s), click in the Select checkbox to the left.  Then click the Approve Selected PO’s button.

If the approver wants to review the PO, click on the PO in the grid to see the details

Documents attached to the PO can be viewed by clicking on the “paper clip” icon in the Document Attachment box.  


Once the PO is reviewed, click the Select checkbox, then Approve Selected PO’s button.   A confirmation message will display that the PO(s) have been approved. Multiple PO’s can be approved at the same time.   

If the approver wants to Disapprove a PO, click in the Select checkbox to the left, then click Disapprove Selected PO. Only 1 PO may be disapproved at a time. 


A message will display to confirm the disapproval. 



 If the approver clicks “OK”, they will be prompted to enter a Disapproval Reason before clicking the Continue button.  


A confirmation message will display that the PO has been disapproved.  Disapproved PO’s will be removed from the Purchasing user’s screen and sent back to the School Bookkeeper to edit or delete.