Can a required attachment be changed to an optional selection?


Yes, an attachment can be changed using the SchoolCash Catalog > Manage Attachments button.



1. For Clients who prefer to watch a video of this process, click Manage Attachments and Change Optional or Required
2. To Review items and their attachment type, view this How to Export Items and Review Optional vs Required Items as well as Unlisted Items video.


For Clients who prefer to read through instructions, the following outlines the steps.

From the Main Menu > SchoolCash Catalog 

  • Under the Item Name listing, select an Item 
  • Select Manage Attachmentsbutton
    • This will open the Manage Attachments window.
  • To change the attachment(s) from Required to either Optional, Mandatory or Recommended (or whatever your District has set up as attachment options) do the following:
    • From the Attachments for this item column, choose the attachment to be revised
    • Select Edit button


  • For items attached as Required, the Optional radio button (circle) can be selected.

  • An Item may have more than 1 attachment.  
    • Each attachment listed as Required will need to be edited and changed to Optional.
  • Once you have selected the Attach Item As: Optional, you can then select the Status.
  • Once you have changed the attachment type, remember to SAVE.



  • If you would like to see a list of all the items and their attachment types, you can create and view the EXPORT report from the List View window.
  • You may wish to view items with the status of; ALL, ACTIVE and/or EXPIRED.
    The screen capture indicates viewing expired, this status could be selected if school semester change is in process or at the end of the school year.

    Selecting a status of ALL is recommended to capture all items for review.

Note: To view all items and see the status of their attachments

  • Select EXPORT from the SchoolCash Catalog View Items, List of Items page.    
  • The exported report will be an Excel CSV formatted file.
  • can be generated bookkeepers for their individual schools, or for All Schools by those with District administrator access.

  • Open the generated Excel CSV spreadsheet
  • Open the 'Item Overview' worksheet
  • Highlight the entire worksheet by choosng the 'select all' icon 
  • Once the worksheet is highlighted, add column filters, Home tab > Editing section > Filter and Sorting

  • You are most interested in the 'Optional Students' and 'Required Students' columns
  • Click the dropdown arrow for 'Required Students' and deselect the checkbox beside ZERO
  • Choose 'OK'
  • Review the items where a number appears in both the 'Optional' and 'Required' columns, as well as just the 'Required' column
  • An item with a large number in the 'Optional' column and a small number in the 'Required' column will often indicate the 'Required' attachment are a result of attaching the item in the SchoolCash Register using the 'Add Additional Item' functionality. This will add the item as 'Required'.

  • It is important to review each of these to ensure the 'Required' attachment is to remain as such. Or is it to be changed to an 'Optional' attachment.

If there are required items on the students’ accounts that are not to be carried forward to the new school year, change the attachment to OPTIONAL.  This removes the ‘Required’ obligation, and the item will NOT carry over to the next school year.

Year End - Best Practice-Review Required Items, prior to SchoolCash Catalog Rollover

View and Pay For Outstanding Required Fees From Inactive students